早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Who Knows my favorite color?Who knows the weather I like?Who knows what i like to do?Who Knows which music i like?Who will never leave me?Who knows me after the hidden smile hurt?Who knows how lonely i am in my world?Who knows how frighted i am when i walk in the darkness?If you can't do understand me,please don't look for me,at the Styx,the boats and other shore blossom,blood is flowing...Who am I don't konw…
Who Knows my favorite color?Who knows the weather I like?Who knows what i like to do?Who Knows which music i like?Who will never leave me?Who knows me after the hidden smile hurt?Who knows how lonely i am in my world?Who knows how frighted i am when i walk in the darkness?If you can't do understand me,please don't look for me,at the Styx,the boats and other shore blossom,blood is flowing...Who am I don't konw…
Who Knows which music i like => Who knows what music i like
Who knows me after the hidden smile hurt? => 这句话是什么意思?不过一定有语病.
Who knows how frighted i am when i walk in the darkness? => Who knows how frightened I am when I walk in the darkness?
If you can't do understand me => If you can't understand me
other shore blossom => red spider lily 或 manjusaka
Who knows me after the hidden smile hurt? => 这句话是什么意思?不过一定有语病.
Who knows how frighted i am when i walk in the darkness? => Who knows how frightened I am when I walk in the darkness?
If you can't do understand me => If you can't understand me
other shore blossom => red spider lily 或 manjusaka
doyouwantanymeattoday?这句话是请求疑问句怎么用的是any呢?不是肯定陈述请求 2020-05-14 …
Howyougoing?这个问候句子对吗?金凯瑞的电影里好像听到他这么说了.请问还有什么going 2020-05-21 …
我国最南端的曾母暗沙位于南海上吗?“我国温带季风气候分布广”这个问题是正确的吗?(没说最广)这是我 2020-06-04 …
这是你的宝宝吗?我这样说对吗?ITISYOURBABY?我想问她这是不她的宝宝,这样问对吗? 2020-06-22 …
请问数学中存在负零(-0)吗?有人说,因为数轴上找不到-0,所以不存在负零的概念.请问这种说法对吗 2020-07-09 …
煤气灶开最小的火时,有股淡淡的煤气味,是一氧化碳燃烧不充分,请问是所有煤气灶都存在这个问题吗?换个 2020-07-10 …
haveyou和doyouhave我们问你有什么吗?一般都是说doyouhave什么东西那说hav 2020-07-25 …
关于介词的小问题我总是遇到这种问题Astormblewup(狂风刮起)为什么要有up这句话又没有宾 2020-07-25 …
一根木头i,每次都从中间锯成同样长的两段,连锯三次后,还剩1.5米.这根木头原来那锯木头还有一次就锯 2020-11-21 …
“你吃了吗?”真的是句问候语吗?本人从小在重庆长大,也去过很多地方.自认为也是地道的中国人,怎么从来 2020-12-21 …