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开头已给出:Last Sunday,my classmates and I want to climb the maountains with our teacher.
Mountain climbing.
Today is the cloudless, sunny weather, we decided to climb the mountain!
Our bags have water, snacks and a handkerchief, water is prepared in the road mouth parched and tongue scorched when drinking, snack when hungry can eat, the handkerchief is sweat can rub, we ready to start!
A road is flat straight, walked a while, begin to become the winding road, but also more and more steep slope. After much effort, my brother and I have been sweating, dad said : "we have a rest! " then my mother let us enjoy delicious and delicious cookies and drinks. To add strength, we continued to struggle.
Finally, finally we be tired out when the attack to the top of the hill. At the top of the mountain to see the sunlight flooded the hilltop, each leaf is gleamed on, down the hill to look, as if the whole world at my feet under. Bursts of breeze blowing, I feel really comfortable, pleasant to have a good sleep, so climbing is not only beneficial to health, can also enjoy the beautiful scenery!

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