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白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)建于1703年,最早称白金汉屋,意思是“他人的家”.
The most famous is the city's largest park,located in the west side of Buckingham Palace,only a wall separated,covering 25 O hectares.
Park in the late 16th century the first time open to the public.History was once a British king's Lu Chang,then a car and the race venues.Park,the famous Royal Yidao,towering trees on both sides of the road,the whole road is just like a green "tunnel",many riding enthusiasts often here Tiao Ma.Park in the forests,rivers,grasslands,green 1000 ares,Wen Jing leisurely pace.Queen Victoria Park is also available for a Adolfo built by Prince Albert of the monument.
Albert Auditorium,originally planned for the construction of the Office of Arts and Sciences,but after the completion of Queen Victoria to commemorate the death of her husband,Albert,Albert will be renamed the Auditorium
British tourist in the three major taboos:1,2 hate say a private matter,not to jump the queue 3,can not Kanjia
The medieval Roman church a draw from the classical architecture of the special,slightly Lengjun,serious and dignified and the United States,they are the Byzantine era of the first batch of churches,monasteries of the structure,re-composition of the foyer,and the halls Houdian The altar,the Arc de Triomphe arches and give them a new order,and create a new model
As time to introduce so many
Buckingham Palace (Buckingham Palace) was built in 1703,the earliest that Buckinghamshire estate,which means "the home of others."
Thames on many bridges in the lower reaches of the one at the most.London must look at Tower Bridge opened to "8" characters look like a day at most 1 or 2,switch it,may see the time is 14:00 before and after the high tide period.

有人认为,中世纪以来的西方政治发展史,权力中心经历了从神权到王权,又从王权转到民权的过程。总体上来  2020-05-13 …

丰富的安静(12分)①我发现,世界越来越喧闹,而我的日子越来越安静了。我喜欢过安静的日子。②当然,  2020-05-13 …

阅读下面语段,按要求回答问题:21世纪是海洋的世纪。几年来,世界诸强对海洋的开发,争夺和控制的特点  2020-05-16 …

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16世纪以来,世界经济出现了全新的发展态势。海上帝国:技术和海上航线1513年发现大湾流16世纪2  2020-06-19 …

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几个世纪以来,中华民族历经坎坷;近30年的改革开放使中国迅速崛起。材料一:明朝政府极力控制、压迫商  2020-06-21 …

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