早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
It cannot be earned nor destroyed and it is the only object in Universe no one have control of.Time will not stop,for money or the tears shed by those heart broken ones; time will not move faster for the suffering and pain endured by anyone to end sooner.However it is this time,that gives us life,gives us the opportunity to explore the wonders of this journey,give us the knowledge and skills to survive in the game of survival.Ever since I was borned to this world,time has sliped away faster than anyone could imagine.Like I mentioned,for many moments,how much I wished would time runs backward it is a no-can-do.To me,nothing is more valuable and precious than time that ticks away every seconds and minutes.As it cannot be saved,I believe we should use and create the time that passes for deeds of goods and occupy it wisely.Of course I'm not saying we shouldn't play or do anything that wastes time,but at the same time they,in our life,should not be spent muddling and playing.They not only should be spent on entertainment and hobbies,more should be on contributing to the world and returning favours of cultivation by parents and families.Though all this said,a real plan need to be taken action of and I will try my best to fulfill this life-long goal.
It cannot be earned nor destroyed and it is the only object in Universe no one have control of.Time will not stop,for money or the tears shed by those heart broken ones; time will not move faster for the suffering and pain endured by anyone to end sooner.However it is this time,that gives us life,gives us the opportunity to explore the wonders of this journey,give us the knowledge and skills to survive in the game of survival.Ever since I was borned to this world,time has sliped away faster than anyone could imagine.Like I mentioned,for many moments,how much I wished would time runs backward it is a no-can-do.To me,nothing is more valuable and precious than time that ticks away every seconds and minutes.As it cannot be saved,I believe we should use and create the time that passes for deeds of goods and occupy it wisely.Of course I'm not saying we shouldn't play or do anything that wastes time,but at the same time they,in our life,should not be spent muddling and playing.They not only should be spent on entertainment and hobbies,more should be on contributing to the world and returning favours of cultivation by parents and families.Though all this said,a real plan need to be taken action of and I will try my best to fulfill this life-long goal.
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