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现在我们这里的艺术博物馆有一个画展,主要是关于中国古今各种风格画派作品的展览,作品不仅有现在的、民国时期的也有古代的作品,例如晋.顾恺之 《洛神赋图》 唐.阎立本 《步辇图》 宋.张择瑞 《清明上河图》 元.黄公望 《富春山居图》等等,当然还有你喜欢的清.郎世宁的一系列作品总之有很多名画,这些画在平常可不是那么容易见到的喔.相信如果你去看的话,肯定会有非常大的收获,对你了解我们国家的文化、风土人情、生活习惯都非常有帮助.还可以增加你的见闻拓展你的知识.当然我也非常想去看的,希望我们可以一起看,它的展览时间是本月8日-18日
Now here we Art Museum has an exhibition,mainly on the various styles of ancient and modern Chinese painting works exhibition,works not only now,the period of the Republic of China also has the ancient writings,such as Jin Gu Kaizhi "Lo River map" don Yan Liben "Bunian Tu" song of Zhang Zerui "along the river during the Qingming Festival" element.His "graph" and so on,of course you like.A series of works of Giuseppe Castiglione's in short a lot of famous paintings,the paintings in the ordinary is not so easy to see.Believe that if you see it,will have very big harvest,for your understanding of our national culture,local customs and practices,living habits are very helpful.Can also increase your knowledge to expand your knowledge.Of course,I also want to see,I hope we can be together,it's show time is this month 8 days -18 days