早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
In recent years, our country is in the rapid development period, the comprehensive national strength and economic strength has been enhanced, income level of urban and rural dweller also in unceasing enhancement. But due to various reasons, the economic actual strength increases significantly at the same time, our country people but the gap between rich and poor in pull ceaselessly big, base the Buddhist nun coefficient rising has not been very effective containment. In order to achieve the common prosperity of the great ideal of communism, so people can enjoy the fruits of reform and opening up, therefore, city residents groups was born. However, due to China's vast territory, large population and poverty, the distribution density of concentration, poor fluidity is greater, in some places appeared low policy implementation is not in place, not deep, even has the defects and errors phenomenon. So, for the research of this problem and analysis appears particularly important.
This article uses the related theories of sociology and knowledge as the basis for writing, to apply for subsistence allowances and portion of the event as the breakthrough point, select XX XX XX community of three residents in case as the research object, through case analysis, investigation, research, describes the city residents facing problems of various types, explores the influence of city living problems related factors, and aimed at these questions to propose some solutions and suggestions.
This article uses the related theories of sociology and knowledge as the basis for writing, to apply for subsistence allowances and portion of the event as the breakthrough point, select XX XX XX community of three residents in case as the research object, through case analysis, investigation, research, describes the city residents facing problems of various types, explores the influence of city living problems related factors, and aimed at these questions to propose some solutions and suggestions.
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