我们伟大的祖国有5 000年的历史,有优秀的传统文化;古代四大发明对世界的发展贡献卓越;伟大的教育家、思想家孔子的哲学思想影响深远;改革开放以来我们国家经济飞速发展,科技进步……作为中国人我们无比自豪!
2. 要求语言准确,语法正确,内容丰富。
3. 题目自拟,80词左右。
One possible version;
China,Our Pride
Everyone loves his motherland and so do I.
Our great motherland has a history of about 5 , 000 years. The people in ancient China were hard-working and wise. The Four Great Inventions have made great contributions to the world's development.
The great thinker and philosopher Confucius is well-known across the world. His thoughts and wise sayings have influenced many people both at home and abroad.
During the recent 30 years our motherland has developed its economy technology and science rapidly.
We have amazing achievements in our space industry. China has become the third nation that sent a person into space.
Thanks to our great motherland,we have a richer and happier life than any other time in the past. We must keep on working hard to make our country much stronger and richer.
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