早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase chosen from the box.Change the forms where necessary.
A.routine B.widen C.conclude D.complicate E.live on
F.explore G.clue H.comment I.relax J.at the sight of
1.The old couple now have nothing to ________ but a small government pension.
2.He _________ the economic and social conditions of the period,trying to find the real causes of th
3.She didn’t know who had sent the letter,and the envelope provided no _________.
4.The restless young patient ________ after being told there really was nothing seriously wrong with t
5.From what I’d heard I ________ Miss Noble must be very popular with her pupils.
6.His skill in handling _________ situations has earned him much praise in diplomatic circles.
7.The mayor refused to make any _______ on the charges against him.
8.The job,though not difficult,includes many ________ tasks which are quite boring.
9.Johnny’s mouth watered _________ the big pudding.
10.The man’s eyes ___________ with fear when he saw the robber’s gun.
A.perform B.profit C.drift D.competently E.in practice
F.register G.evidence H.alert I.transparent J.in advance
11.The ________ we gained while working in this field were not only financial but also intellectual.
12.Most students ________ over 90% in the exam; few,in fact,scored below 80%.
13.The little girl watched the balloons as they _________ up into the sky.
14.In theory,this sounds like a good idea; however,I doubt that it will work _________.
15.I think Tom played the role very _________.
16.We should make our reservations as far ________ as possible to get the flight we want.
17.He drew out a ________ plastic bag and held it up to the light to show me the golden fishes inside.
18.The police have had to drop charge against him because they couldn’t find any _________.
19.A good hunting dog is _________ to every sound and movement in the field.
20.Some athletes take drugs to improve their _________.
Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase chosen from the box.Change the forms where necessary.
A.routine B.widen C.conclude D.complicate E.live on
F.explore G.clue H.comment I.relax J.at the sight of
1.The old couple now have nothing to ________ but a small government pension.
2.He _________ the economic and social conditions of the period,trying to find the real causes of th
3.She didn’t know who had sent the letter,and the envelope provided no _________.
4.The restless young patient ________ after being told there really was nothing seriously wrong with t
5.From what I’d heard I ________ Miss Noble must be very popular with her pupils.
6.His skill in handling _________ situations has earned him much praise in diplomatic circles.
7.The mayor refused to make any _______ on the charges against him.
8.The job,though not difficult,includes many ________ tasks which are quite boring.
9.Johnny’s mouth watered _________ the big pudding.
10.The man’s eyes ___________ with fear when he saw the robber’s gun.
A.perform B.profit C.drift D.competently E.in practice
F.register G.evidence H.alert I.transparent J.in advance
11.The ________ we gained while working in this field were not only financial but also intellectual.
12.Most students ________ over 90% in the exam; few,in fact,scored below 80%.
13.The little girl watched the balloons as they _________ up into the sky.
14.In theory,this sounds like a good idea; however,I doubt that it will work _________.
15.I think Tom played the role very _________.
16.We should make our reservations as far ________ as possible to get the flight we want.
17.He drew out a ________ plastic bag and held it up to the light to show me the golden fishes inside.
18.The police have had to drop charge against him because they couldn’t find any _________.
19.A good hunting dog is _________ to every sound and movement in the field.
20.Some athletes take drugs to improve their _________.
1,live on2,concluding3,clue4,relaxed5,explored6,complicated7,comment8,routine9,at the sight of10,widened11,profit12,registered13,drifting14,in practice15,competently 16,in advance 17,transparent18,evi...
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