早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
not wrong= :对的 represent= :amazing= :instraction= :very old= :well-known = :more than= :immediately = :approach= :rnusual= :with nothing inside= :keen on= :最后 = = 保持安静 = 相信我 = 回答 = =害怕 = 发生 =1
not wrong= :对的 represent= :
amazing= :instraction= :
very old= :well-known = :
more than= :immediately = :
approach= :rnusual= :
with nothing inside= :keen on= :
最后 = =
保持安静 = 相信我 =
回答 = =
害怕 = 发生 =
1.I wish I were a bird.It looks so_______and it can fly_______(freedom)
2.Mary sang a beautiful song_____to let her baby sleep.(我没抄到)
3.Though he drives very fast,he drives _______enough(care)
4.The students were sitting_____(silent).But the______(laught) of a girl broke the_________(silent)
5.The______exam is coming soon(finally)
6.My pet make me_____(happy).I______like it(real)
7.Tiger is one of _________animals on earth(fierce)
8.Disneyland is one of the best _______ parks(amuse)
9.Jinmao Tower has 80______(storey)
10.Itrused to bee _____.But now he does everything ______we all like hem.(polite)
amazing= :instraction= :
very old= :well-known = :
more than= :immediately = :
approach= :rnusual= :
with nothing inside= :keen on= :
最后 = =
保持安静 = 相信我 =
回答 = =
害怕 = 发生 =
1.I wish I were a bird.It looks so_______and it can fly_______(freedom)
2.Mary sang a beautiful song_____to let her baby sleep.(我没抄到)
3.Though he drives very fast,he drives _______enough(care)
4.The students were sitting_____(silent).But the______(laught) of a girl broke the_________(silent)
5.The______exam is coming soon(finally)
6.My pet make me_____(happy).I______like it(real)
7.Tiger is one of _________animals on earth(fierce)
8.Disneyland is one of the best _______ parks(amuse)
9.Jinmao Tower has 80______(storey)
10.Itrused to bee _____.But now he does everything ______we all like hem.(polite)
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