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There are many kinds of love.Today,I would like to talk about the
love for kids from our parents.When we are kids,our parents give us a
lot.They take good care of us.They use love to play with us.When we are
teenagers,they start worrying about our project.They still with us.But
we start to be away from them.We stay up surfing in Internet.We start
using make-up.We never listening to their words.We never know how tired
they are.When we grow up,there is one day that makes us understand our
parents.But they are old.However they always compretend us.That's our
parents who can give the best love for us.
看了 关于劝朋友不要生气的英语作文...的网友还看了以下:

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英语翻译1.人和人,人和动物都能产生友谊;2.朋友能提供精神上和物质上的帮助;3.朋友有好坏之分,  2020-06-05 …

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5句中译英1友谊对于人类就像水对于生物一样.2近朱者赤,近墨者黑.3真正的友谊应该能经受各种各样的  2020-08-04 …

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英语翻译1.任何人,人和动物都能产生友谊.2.朋友能提供精神上和物质上的帮助.3.朋友有好坏之分,有  2020-12-13 …

以friendship为题的英语作文,内容包括;1人和人人和动物都能产生友谊。2朋友能提供精神上和物  2020-12-13 …