早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
请把下面的话用商务英语进行翻译 1,关于1000吨钢材的bd-56号信用证今日收到.2经认真核对
the L/C relevent to bd-56 1000 tons of steel has been received today.after checking the L/C we would like it to be modified as state below:(1),quantity:1000MT (seller reserves the right to increase or decrease 5%)2.Partial shipment and transshipment allowed
3.Delivery term extend to the end of October at the latest,the validity of the L/C extend to November 15th.
Please fax us to comfirm that you have modified as we asked ,so that we can arrange the shipment with it.
3.Delivery term extend to the end of October at the latest,the validity of the L/C extend to November 15th.
Please fax us to comfirm that you have modified as we asked ,so that we can arrange the shipment with it.
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