早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



       人人都知道锻炼身体的重要性,可是有些人平时不愿意腾出时间来锻炼,到了生病时才意识到这一点, Mr. Kang 就是这么一个人。根据下面的漫画写一篇题为“ Mr. Kang’s Determination ”的短文。(字数 120 词左右)

       注意: 1 .简要叙述四幅图所表现的故事。

2 .就该故事发表自己的看法。

       参考词汇:麻将 mahjong



Mr. Kang is a middle-aged man. One day he didn’t feel himself and he thought it might result from his lack of exercise .So on his way to hospital he was determined to have more exercise when he got over his illness. He was no less determined when he was lying in bed in the hospital .But when he did go out of the hospital he didn’t seem so determined as before. So when he is free he would still prefer to play mahjong with his friends rather than have sports though he still remembers his promise to himself.

       As we all know only by exercising regularly can we have good health .Without good health nothing is possible for you. So Mr. Kang take action and don’t just make promises.


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