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a little ant's story
写一篇英语想象作文,要用到grow up,loook for food,unluckily ,fair,spider,
a little ant was born in a quite small cave.it grew up without meeting any danger,because his mother had always keep him inside the cave.unluckily ,one day,his mother died while looking for food for him.he was hungry to death.after careful consideration,he decided to go out for the hope of fulfil his stomache.again he was unlucky,for a spider found him and captured him.our little ant thought it was the last day of his life,but the spider said he wanted to play a game with him.if the ant could win,he could be set free.so the ant played chess with the spider.the rules are fair because the spider was quite kind.at last ,the ant won.so he returned to home safe and sound!

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