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When Nancy Lublin got $ 5000 from her great—grandfather ,she never once considered taking a vocation or paying off student loans (借款) .1 ,the 24—year—old New York University law student began thinking about the clothing 2 faced by most of today’s low—income women :“If she goes for a job interview 3 dressed ,she won’t get the job ,” Lublin says .“But without a job ,she can’t 4 proper clothing .”
A few weeks later ,Lublin 5 Dress for Success and began searching for clothing and volunteers .She asked women to give away 6 business clothes that were 7 in good condition .She asked the members of diet centers to give away clothes that no longer fit .At first ,Lublin 8 the clothes in her one—bedroom apartment ,but finally she found 9 in Greenwich Village church basement ,which now 10 as the organization’s main office .
Today ,when women arrive at the office for help with job—hunting ,they 11 a dress ,shoes ,a bag ,stockings and jewelry ,and self—confidence as well .Some are trying to enter the work 12 after being on welfare for years .
13 Dress for Success fitted its first person who got help a year ago ,more than 1000 women have received dresses and many have won 14 .Yarit Polanco was recently 15 as a law—firm office manager .“Thanks to Dress for Success ,I made a good impression and was accepted ,” she says .
Donations (捐赠)are now 16 in ,including jewelry and 6000 pairs of trousers and $ 40,000 worth of handbags .Broadcast journalists have given suits .And Lublin is opening Dress for Success 17 in other cities .“Many women have clothes 18 around that they’ll never wear again ,” says a volunteer .“Nancy’s 19 is simple and practical and the 20 has proved so important to those women who are in great need of it .”
当南希卢布林了她的曾祖父5000元,她一次也没有考虑到一个职业或还清助学贷款(借款). 1,今年24岁的纽约大学法律系学生开始对服装2思维面对今天的低收入妇女最:“如果她的面试穿着3去,她不会得到这份工作,”卢布林说. “但是没有工作,她不能4适当的衣服.”
几个星期后,卢布林5成功的服装服饰,并开始和志愿者搜寻.她要求妇女放弃了6个业务衣服状况良好7.她问,饮食中心的成员赠送的衣服不再适合.起初,卢布林8的衣服在她的一间卧室的公寓,但最终她发现在格林威治村教堂的地下室,现在9 10该组织的主要办事处.
13人成功安装了第一次穿着谁得到帮助一年前,超过1000名妇女接受了礼服,许多人赢得了14. Yarit波朗科最近15作为法律事务所的办公室主任. “成功感谢连衣裙,我有了一个良好的印象,被接受,”她说.
捐赠现在16个,包括首饰和6000条裤子和价值4万美元的手袋.广播新闻工作者给予西装.和卢布林是开放的成功在其他城市服饰17. “许多妇女的衣服18左右,他们永远也不会穿了,”一名志愿者说. “南希的19个简单,实用和20已证明非常重要的妇女谁在它巨大的需要.”
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