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德国承诺减少carbon dioxide 排放,与各国共同积极应对全球变暖的挑战.我国将从国家各层面采取以下战略措施:
Germany's commitments to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, together with other countries to actively respond to the challenges of global warming. China from the State at all levels to adopt the following strategic measures:
(1)First, all the people to mobilize and promote a vegetarian. The Government should mobilize all the people and promote a vegetarian rose to the height of a national strategy to promote, as the most effective measures to reduce carbon emissions and industrial optimization to start. First, the Government should make great efforts to mobilize all the people and promote a vegetarian. Second, the government leaders should take the lead in promoting vegetarian vegetarian. The third is to gradually adjust and optimize the industrial structure of agriculture.
(2)Second, governments at all levels must continue to expand energy-saving emission reduction efforts. China's energy-saving emission reduction task is still very arduous, and its potential is also enormous. Should seek to adopt to strengthen international cooperation so that all walks of life to the world's most advanced energy-saving standards. The common survival crisis facing humanity, in order to provide our country with new opportunities for international cooperation, all walks of life should try to use the most advanced energy-saving emission reduction technology, the recent development of policy standards for the use of at least the most advanced energy-saving technologies.
(3)Third, the utmost efforts to implement alternative energy strategies. Government should formulate preferential policies to encourage research and development of sustainable energy sources, on the one hand to increase wind power, solar power generation to support efforts to encourage the use of new sources of energy; the other hand, increase the sustainable energy research and development efforts to enhance international R & D cooperation and strive to sustainable energy research as soon as possible to achieve a major breakthrough.

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1,用推拉注射器活塞的方法可以检验如图装置的气密性.当缓慢推动活塞时,如果装置气密性良好,则能观察  2020-04-26 …

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目前,中国人口老龄化日趋发展,农业富余劳动劳动力减少,要素的驱动力减弱。因此,要打造中国经济的升级  2020-05-13 …

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