早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


In recent years,however,a growing emphasis has been placed on what have been termed the “pre-school” years in many societies throughout the world,for a variety of social,economic and political reasons.Governments are facing increasing pressures to provide more funds for properly organized and controlled nursery care.
Parents have become aware not only of the educational advantages but also of the obvious economic justification of the provision of nursery education which will enable mothers to return to work much sooner than would otherwise have been the case..
The provision of pre-school education facilities varies enormously from country to country.In both America and England,pressure from parents has resulted in considerable development of play-schools,kindergartens,which have evolved privately in response to local demand and which only now are receiving somewhat belated attention and interest from the state department.
A prime economic move in this post-war development is the ever-growing number of women who for financial or professional reasons or both wish to return to work as quickly as possible.Gone are the days when a wife and mother fulfilled those roles alone.
Many women still choose to remain at home until the children reach school age,but an increasing number of women are now opting to return to work if the nursery facilities are available.
41) According to the passage,more emphasis has been put on __________ in recent years.
A.pre-school years B.primary school years
C.middle school years D.college years
42) Governments are facing increasing pressures to provide __________ for properly
organized and controlled nursery care.
A.more food B.more equipment
C.more funds D.more teachers
43) What is the attitude of the governments towards the issue of nursery care?
A.They take it very seriously.B.They avoid to talk about it.
C.They pay no attention to it.D.They pay less attention to it than before.
44) What is the prime economic move in the post-war development?
A.More men stay at home to look after the child.
B.A wife will not go to work any longer.
C.More and more women wish to go back to work as soon as possible.
D.Husbands won’t allow their wives go out to work.
45) The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is to __________.
A.state the importance of pre-school education
B.criticize the shortcomings of pre-school education
C.make people pay more attention to pre-school education
D.describe the present situation of pre-school education
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