早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Write a letter to establish businessrelations with your customer.Supposeyou are an exporter,when you were at Guangzhou Fair,a potential customershowed his great interest in your products,but after that,you had no newsfrom him.Now write a letter to this customer,asking about reasons for notmaking any inquiry…(120 words)
Write a letter to establish businessrelations with your customer.Supposeyou are an exporter,when you were at Guangzhou Fair,a potential customershowed his great interest in your products,but after that,you had no newsfrom him.Now write a letter to this customer,asking about reasons for notmaking any inquiry…(120 words)
Dear xxx,
How are you?
This is xxx from xxx.
It is a great pleasure to meet you in the Guangzhou xxx Exhibition.
For several days no news from you since we talked about the xxx(item no/item)you are interested in.
We will be obliged if you return this message by any comments.
Waiting for you early reply.
How are you?
This is xxx from xxx.
It is a great pleasure to meet you in the Guangzhou xxx Exhibition.
For several days no news from you since we talked about the xxx(item no/item)you are interested in.
We will be obliged if you return this message by any comments.
Waiting for you early reply.
在电源输出功率与外电阻的关系中当外电阻=内电阻时,电源输出功率取到最大值可是如果R外不变,R内从0 2020-04-08 …
高中物理知识光电管光电管发生光电效应时:a通过光电管的电流强度和外电压有没有关系b如果不加外电压阴 2020-04-08 …
X、Y、Z三种元素组成的化合物的化学式是什么X、Y、Z三种元素的原子,其核外电子排布分别为:X最外 2020-06-05 …
当外电路电阻增大时,外电路消耗的电功率怎么变化?为什么?为什么当外电路电阻小于内阻时,增大外电阻时 2020-06-17 …
什么是外电路内电路,什么是外阻内阻,什么是外电压内电压.弄不懂啊.注:别说什么电源外部就是外电路, 2020-06-18 …
下面几句话哪句对的?1、外电路短路时,电源内电压等于电动势2、外电路断路时,端电压等于电动势3、外 2020-06-24 …
已知两电源的电动势E1>E2,当外电路电阻为R时,外电路消耗功率正好相等.当外电路电阻降为R′时, 2020-07-01 …
在一个给定电源的闭合电路中,关于电源的输出功率,下面说法正确的是A.输出功率随外电阻的增大而增大B. 2020-11-24 …
断路时外电阻无穷大,远大于内电阻所以才相当于内电阻没有分得电压吗?这相当于把电源的内阻分离出来接到外 2020-11-26 …
空腔导体内表面电荷和腔外电荷为什么在空腔外部产生的电场处处为0(相抵消)导体内部E=0这个E=0是内 2020-12-17 …