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求高质量英文自荐信 给老外看的
Dear Sir or Madam,
i'm very honored to have the opportunity to recommend myself to you.My name is xxx,i graduated from xxx,my major is English.i 'm getting along with my studies quite well,obtaining three"top students' awards in my major.i am an honest,industrious and progressive person.i am able to absorb facts quickly,and i 'm able to organize,analyze,and meet operational deadlines.Respond well in high-pressure atmosphere.Team-work spirit,high liability and attribution.If I suffer any disappointments I am certain to bounce back again.
The reason why i choose your company is because yours have very good reputation,and there are many rooms of development,i can better improve my ability here!But the most important thing is that i will contribute all myslf to the company for its further development!
it would be appreciated if you would give me your kind consideration.
Yours sincerely,

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英语翻译她已经给妮卡写了一封英文信.她已经给妮卡写英文信了吗?到上学期末她已经写了10封英文信.  2020-05-23 …

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写给某报社英文栏目编辑关于某校食品中毒事件的情况反映的一封英文信,属于英语作文,要点包括第一,有..  2020-11-23 …

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给圣诞老人写一封信英文忘了打详细提问了。我想给加拿大的圣诞老人写一封信,但鉴于自己从来没写过真正要寄  2020-12-01 …

求一封英文书信,假设Tim是你的笔友,当你得知前进中学需要一名英文老师,写信告诉他相关情况1、时间一  2020-12-04 …