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根据以下信息写一篇短文向你校的外教(Mr.cave)介绍中国的大运河 1:The longest in the world;
1:The longest in the world;covers a distance of nearly 1,800km from beijing to hangzhou .
2:join 5 rivers including the yellow river and the yangtze river.
3:In AD 605,Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty ordered the canal to be dug
4:3.6million people worked on it and in less than a year ,over half of them lost their lives
5:Make the journey from the north to the south more direct
6:Today ,still plays an important role in transport
Dear Mr.Cave
Now I’ll tell you something about the Grand Canal in China
Dear Mr.Cave.I am glad to have the chance to introduce to you about the longest canal in the world which is in China.It covers a distance of nearly 1800km from the capital of china--Beijing to Hangzhou.Besides,it joins five rivers including the yellow River and the Yangtze River.From the historical preferences,In AD 605,The Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty ordered the canal to be dug,and it cost 3.6 million people who worked on it within a year.During the hardest time.over half of them scarified their lives.The incredible work make the journey from the north to the south more direct,It makes people's lives more convinent .Even now,it sill plays an important role in the transportation.

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