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     An Indian chief Rising Sun was concerned with how white men were expanding across the forests
plains and mountains. Since his tribe was very small and he wouldn't want them to be sent to reservations
(居留地) he came up with a plan to save the people.
     His son Falling Rock was a strong intelligent and trustworthy young man. He asked Falling Rock to
travel across the whole of the country and talk to every tribe he met to convince them to join forces and
fight against the white men. Falling Rock left in the spring with 4 other braves.
     When the leaves fell one brave retumed to Rising Sun to tell him that they had contacted all the tribes in
the desert SouthWest.
     When the snow began another brave returned telling of their success with the Great Lakes tribes. A third
brave arrived home just as the spring flowers bloomed and told how the strong tribes of the Rocky Mountains
were ready. Finally the last brave returned in high summer from the Eastem tribes with their promise to fight.
This last brave also said that Falling Rock was now racing back to all the tribes telling them to meet at the
Mississippi river in the spring for the great war. When the snow melted Rising Sun's small tribe waited in the
Mississippi through spring and summer but no other warriors (勇士) arrived. At the end of summer Rising
Sun sent braves out to track down Falling Rock. He got the news that all the tribes had waited to hear when
the war was to take place but Falling Rock had not been seen by any of them.
     The white soldiers surrounded Rising Sun's tribe. Rising Sun knew they could never win. Rising Sun
promised to go peacefully to a reservation if the white men would help him find his lost son. This was a small
price for avoiding a fight so the white men agreed. 
     To this day Rising Sun waits for his son to retum. And to this day the white men have held up their end
of bargain struck that day
. People across the country are still searching. That is why you will see signs along
the road that say "Watch for Falling Rock".
1. What is Rising Sun's plan to save his people?
A. To join all the tribes' forces and fight against the white.
B. To send his son to travel to other tribes.
C. To fight alone against the white in the Mississippi.
D. To go to the reservation peacefully.
2. From the passage we know that _____.
A. the Indian tribes were located mainly in the desert SouthWest the Great Lakes area the Rocky Mountains
    and the Mississippi river
B. Rising Sun's small tribe waited in the Mississippi through spring and summer
C. Rising Sun's request for searching for his son was refused by the white
D. Rising Sun fought against the white fiercely and was killed in the war
3. What does the underlined sentence mean in the last paragraph?
A. The white men cheated him that day.
B. The white men bought a bargain that day.
C. The white men kept their promise made on that day.
D. The white men was struck by him that day.
1-3: ABC

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