早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
第一句:they have existed since the beginning of time ,and have only one purpose :to work for history 's most evil master they can find ,whether that 's a T-REX(霸王龙) or a 357 -year -old wampire(吸血鬼)
第二句:after accidentally killing all their masters ,three of the minions decide to go to 1960s new york city to find a new one .
第一句:they have existed since the beginning of time ,and have only one purpose :to work for history 's most evil master they can find ,whether that 's a T-REX(霸王龙) or a 357 -year -old wampire(吸血鬼)
第二句:after accidentally killing all their masters ,three of the minions decide to go to 1960s new york city to find a new one .
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