早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The film "A Knights Tale" by John Smith,is a very well structured movie,reasons for this are written.
Will is the main character of the film,and he is interesting because of his bravery,he will do all he can to reach his goal of becoming tournament champion.Even though he has become rich and famous,the popularity never went to his head,when he was in Cheap Side,riding the horse in the rain,he tells the girl the secret that he was actually born in Cheap Side.
An issue that arises in the movie is,how Will has to succeed from a commoner a person of noble blood so he can compete in the worlds jousting tournament and become the best.So Rowland,Watt,and himself don't go poor and can prove that any commoners can "change their stars" no matter what their upcoming was,and strive to be the best that they possibly can.I believe the message portrayed to the viewers is,you can become whoever you want to be in life if your parents are rich or if they are poor,along as you work as hard as you can you can achieve it.These themes are important because they relate to the audience and it gives them encouragement.
Will is the main character of the film,and he is interesting because of his bravery,he will do all he can to reach his goal of becoming tournament champion.Even though he has become rich and famous,the popularity never went to his head,when he was in Cheap Side,riding the horse in the rain,he tells the girl the secret that he was actually born in Cheap Side.
An issue that arises in the movie is,how Will has to succeed from a commoner a person of noble blood so he can compete in the worlds jousting tournament and become the best.So Rowland,Watt,and himself don't go poor and can prove that any commoners can "change their stars" no matter what their upcoming was,and strive to be the best that they possibly can.I believe the message portrayed to the viewers is,you can become whoever you want to be in life if your parents are rich or if they are poor,along as you work as hard as you can you can achieve it.These themes are important because they relate to the audience and it gives them encouragement.
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