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帮我看下英语小作文对不对 英语好的进
一个老人 大嘴巴,小耳朵 戴眼镜,系领带 头发很少 嘴里有一支大雪茄 看起来很滑稽,很高兴 似乎对生活感到满足 Today,I saw an old man.He has a small eyes,two small ears.Besides,he worn a big glasses and a tie with little hair and a ciger in his mouth.He looked very funny.Whenever we see him,he always smile.He seems to be satisfied with his life.当你与一位美国人初次见面并想表示礼貌时,你可以用“先生”或“夫人”来称呼对方.在学校,学生们称呼男教师“先生”,但他们很少称呼女教师“夫人”.在中国学生们称呼教师“王老师”或“李老师”,在美国不这样用.在美国人们都很随便,同时也很友好.When you meet an American for the first time and want to be manners,you could use "Mr"or"Mrs" to call others.In the school,students address male teacher "Mr",but they are hardly address female teacher 'Mrs".In the China,students address teacher"teacher wang"or"teacher li".But American not practice this.In America,people are very casual and friendly.
1、a small eyes改为two small eyes a big glasses 改为a pair of big glasses he worn a big glasses and a tie with little hair and a ciger in his mouth改为he worn a pair of big glasses and a tie , he has ...