早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
稍微详细些。Module 1 Extraordinary tales
Unit 1 A trip to the theatre
The Phantom of the Opera
Read this story adapted from the novelThe Phantom of the Opera.
The Paris Opera House was a huge building.Beneath the building there was a strange,dark lake.On this lake was an island.On that island,one hundred years ago,lived the Phantom.
At birth he was so ugly that his own mother made him wear a mask.She forced him to leave home while he was still a child.He then spent years wandering the earth until he found his home on the island.Yet,this monster of a man loved singing,and had a beautiful voice.
The Phantom fell in love with Christine,a beautiful young singer at the Opera.He often sang to her late at night,hiding behind a secret wall in her room because he was afraid of letting her see his face.He taught her how to sing and helped her get better roles in the Opera.Christine enjoyed listening to his voice,too.
However,the Phantom wanted Christine fr himself.He kidnapped her from the stage in front of the whole audience.Then,he took her down to his secret home on the lake.Only one man was brave enough to follow.He was Raoul,a young man who loved Chrisine.Raoul tried to rescue Christine,but the Phantom captured him and put him in a prison.
In the Phantom's house,Christine pulled off his mask and saw the real man.At first,she was shocked at his horrible face with yellow eyes and no nose,but then she felt sorry for his suffering.She understood how lonely his life had been.She gently kissed his face.
No woman had ever touched the Phantom before.Christine's kiss made him cry with joy.He released Raoul,and told him to take Christine to safety.By now,a group of people had reached the Phantom's house.They bursted in,ready to kill him.At that moment the Phantom disappeared and was never seen again.
稍微详细些。Module 1 Extraordinary tales
Unit 1 A trip to the theatre
The Phantom of the Opera
Read this story adapted from the novelThe Phantom of the Opera.
The Paris Opera House was a huge building.Beneath the building there was a strange,dark lake.On this lake was an island.On that island,one hundred years ago,lived the Phantom.
At birth he was so ugly that his own mother made him wear a mask.She forced him to leave home while he was still a child.He then spent years wandering the earth until he found his home on the island.Yet,this monster of a man loved singing,and had a beautiful voice.
The Phantom fell in love with Christine,a beautiful young singer at the Opera.He often sang to her late at night,hiding behind a secret wall in her room because he was afraid of letting her see his face.He taught her how to sing and helped her get better roles in the Opera.Christine enjoyed listening to his voice,too.
However,the Phantom wanted Christine fr himself.He kidnapped her from the stage in front of the whole audience.Then,he took her down to his secret home on the lake.Only one man was brave enough to follow.He was Raoul,a young man who loved Chrisine.Raoul tried to rescue Christine,but the Phantom captured him and put him in a prison.
In the Phantom's house,Christine pulled off his mask and saw the real man.At first,she was shocked at his horrible face with yellow eyes and no nose,but then she felt sorry for his suffering.She understood how lonely his life had been.She gently kissed his face.
No woman had ever touched the Phantom before.Christine's kiss made him cry with joy.He released Raoul,and told him to take Christine to safety.By now,a group of people had reached the Phantom's house.They bursted in,ready to kill him.At that moment the Phantom disappeared and was never seen again.
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