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英语表达 根据下表提示,写短文90词!过去 现在通讯 书信 打电话,发电子邮件信息获取 听广播 看电视,上网交通 步行,骑自行车 公交车,地铁,出租车快

过去 现在
通讯 书信 打电话,发电子邮件
信息获取 听广播 看电视,上网
交通 步行,骑自行车 公交车,地铁,出租车
Compared to the pass,nowadays is a modern society that it is easy to people to enjoy their lives.We benefit from the high technology and make a better living.
In the past,we connected with each other by letters.But now we can call to them and send an e-mail to each other.We may get imformation from TV and Internet right now,instead of hearing the radio.When we want to get somewhere,we can get a bus,a taxi,or go by subway.But in the past,you could only go on foot or go by bike.
Society is developing,and our lives are making better and better.We enjoy it,and look forward to the future.辛辛苦苦打那么多字了,