早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


66. In the north of China, __________(土豆) are widely planted.
67. He __________(更喜欢)doing something to doing nothing while he was in the office.
68. Few students in my class can__________(支付得起) a trip to New Zealand.
69. The old couple are both in their         (九十几岁) ,but very healthy and optimistic.
70. Mary and I went        (市中心) to buy a new coat yesterday.
71. He asked the ______(工程师)how long he could complete the project.
72. There are two pieces of red __________(地毯) in our living room.
73. Some _______(非洲)experts went to Antarctica for a science expedition. 
74. She had to take several jobs to pay off all her          (债务).
75. I’m not good at German, but I can make myself __________(理解).

66. potatoes  67. preferred       68.afford           69.nineties          70.downtown 
71.engineer         72. carpet              73.African   74.debts              75.understood


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