早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


题号:1 题型:问答/综合题( 本题分数:100
Role-play the following situation,and write the dialogue.This time,discuss the problem of
too many cars in the city with your partner.Use the suggestions below or your own ideas.
Suggestions:▲ Provide more efficient public transportation ▲ Arrange car pools ▲ Make
gasoline more expensive ▲ Encourage people to ride bicycles Start like this:“I think
there are too many cars in this city.”
题号:1 题型:问答/综合题 本题分数:100
Role-play the following situation,and write the dialogue.Give your partner information
about someone.Then your partner should react to good and bad news honestly.Use the cues
below.Cues:▲ broke her leg ▲ got engaged Start like this:“Have you heard about (name
of classmate)?”
A:I think there are too many cars in this city.
B:OH,yes,trafic jam is always a big problem to us.
A:Do you have some ideas for the transportation?well,i think firstly every one should be an efficient man.
B:I agree with you.And,our government needs to arrange some car pools.
A:Air pollution also brothers us.
B:True.Making gasoline more expensive and encourage people to ride bicycles are an urgent task.
A:Good,every one must pay attention on these things.
A:Did you hear what happened to lily yestersay?
B:Yes,Lily broke her leg on her way to home.
A:I am sorry to hear that,why did that happened?
B:I have been to hospital to watch her and knowing that Lily's boyfriend asked her to marry him and this made her too excited to ride the bicycle and have an accident.
A:What a careless girl,God bless her.