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我要求一个主机退款和一个域名退款,客服如下的回复是不是成功了?Thank you for contacting Online Support.From what you are describing,I understand you are looking for a refund for your recent purchase.I have requested that a refund be applied to your account as per your request.As some of our services are non-refundable,the request must be reviewed and approved by our billing department.Please allow 48 hours for my request to be processed and for the credit to appear in the order history of your account,if approved.Once the credit appears in your account,please allow 5-7 business days to see the funds applied to the associated payment method.If we are not able to process a refund for this service you will be contacted.Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.Please let us know if we can assist you in any other way.
同意你的申请退款请求,但是他们需要财务部门审核,一旦通过了,就会在5-7天退款给你 查看原帖>>

应收账款质押必须通知应收账款债务人,同时取得债务人对质押和回款至本行专户的确认方式最多可有  2020-05-27 …

中央储备粮轮换贷款粮食销售出库后,回笼销售货款可以暂不收回相应的贷款,由借款人继续轮入粮食。  2020-05-27 …

借款转让按转让的资金流向可以分为( )。 A、单笔贷款转让和组合贷款转让 B、一次性转让和回购式  2020-06-07 …

银行期初有1000亿元贷款,正常类,关注类,次级类,可疑类,损失类分为为900,50,30,15,  2020-06-27 …

五位同学捐款,他们捐的钱有3张1元,4张2元,3张5元和3张10元.这五位同学捐款不同,捐款最多的同  2020-11-10 …

应收账款账龄分析和清理三月份某单位欠款(应收账款)余额为40万元,其中:当月发货15万元、收回货款2  2020-11-21 …

请问平均回款率怎么计算假如有三个业务员,他们的销售额分别是2万、3万、4万,回款额分别是1万、2万、  2020-12-16 …

领取汇款不必须凭会跨单身份证和图章对照这个规定以下哪种说法是错误的?()A、有汇款单的人,不一定能领  2021-01-07 …

邮局规定:领取汇款必须凭汇款单、身份证件和图章,对照这个规定,以下哪种说法是错误的()。A.有汇款的  2021-01-07 …

在现代社会,整个国民经济的中枢神经,从事货币的投放和回笼,存款的吸收和支付,贷款的发放和收回,外汇的  2021-01-09 …