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Today,my parents and i went to supermarket to buy things we need during the Spring Festival.When we arrived at the supermarket,there had already had many people.And in order to save time,we decide to divide the things we need to buy into kinds.In this way,we can not only save time but also buy all the things without forgeting.First,we went to the drinking zone,we buy orange juice and coca cola.Because of the spring fesival,the kinds of drink were on sales.So we can also save money.Second we went to the vegetable zone,for the needing of many different kinds of vegetable to make dumplings.In there,i felt strongly about the increase of the price of vegetable.But we still bought some of it.Near the vegetable zone is the fruit zone.So we bought some kinds of fresh fruit.Besides,we bought meat and some kinds of nuts.When we finished choosing things and decided to pay it ,we found we should wait for a long time.Anyway,to go shopping for the holiday was interesting.So i just think that waiting was another way to experence Spring Festival

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