早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.人人渴望成功,但你不能指望在短时间内成功.(long for)
2.在除夕夜,许多中国人守岁到半夜迎接新年的到来.(stay up)
3.今天天气特别冷,要多穿一些衣服,以免着凉.(in case)
4.许多热心肠的人对那位病重的孩子伸出了援助之手.(lend a hand)
1.He is beginning to understand the truth that whatever suits you is the best.
2.To tell you the truth,I don’t believe in the private hospitals which claim to be able to cure any disease.
3.I think certain leaders of the Japanese government mustn’t do anything more to hurt the feelings of the Asian people.
4.An old man in Tianjin has aided hundreds of students from poor families by riding a tricycle in the past ten years.
5.I think we should owe the achievements made in China in the past thirty years to Comrade Deng Xiaoping.
1.Everyone is eager for success,but you can't expect success in a short time.(for) to
The New Year's eve,many Chinese ShouSui until midnight greet the arrival of the New Year.Long (185)
3.Today it was especially cold,should wear more clothes,lest catch cold.(in case),
4 many warm-hearted man to the sick child extending a helping hand.(to lend a hand)
5.With the rapid development of economy in international affairs,China plays a more and more important role.(role)
1 wash.skills to a site that is whatever suits.
2 your site,a hoplink learns in programing business.others which out of any with with.
3 I think ahead of certain Japanese mustn they're more hurt to one of the Asian people.
4.A man in Tianjin and it An aided over hundreds of families in good riding a tricycle in 1931,will operations.
I think we should 5 achievements owe the beauty in China will bring to Deng Xiaoping Comrade thirty campaigns.

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