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Having Multiple Sclerosis (MS,多发性硬化症) can be difficult,but we can face it in a positive way.
Because of my MS,my left hand can't work.People think I must feel sad,but I'm not.Instead,I try something and I choose to write which is meaning to me.I type with my right hand and one finger with my left.I'm the fastest six-fingered female typist you would ever meet.
I wouldn't consider MS a gift,but it has changed me.I believe that I'm more compassionate ( 有同情心的) and understanding.I make a great effort to never judge others.When I see someone who is less fortune than me,I tell myself that I'm lucky.I just have a chronic (慢性的) disease.
If you think having MS willalter your life,you are correct.But it doesn't have to be all bad.When you take a different path in the woods,it leads you to somewhere that you couldn't have found any other way.The interesting thing now is to see where it leads you.Will you experience something that you have never experienced before?Who will you meet?What will you accomplish?
Your life may look different than the one you imagined for yourself,but it may also end up being more beautiful than you ever imagined.When your son has made mistakes,instead of being angry and blaming him,use your wisdom to"trick"your son and pull him closer to you for a hug.Everyone's"something"might be the greatest gift others will never received.
47.We infer if someone suffers MS,they may___.
A.be unable to see clearly             B.have difficulty in speaking
C.have difficulty in thinking          D.be unable to use some parts of his body
48.Why did the writer start to write?___
A.because she wanted to become a very fast typist.
B.because she wanted to encourage others
C.because she thought writing was meaningful to her.
D.because she didn't want others to think she was sad.
49.After the writer suffered from MS,she___.
A.became more understanding than before
B.consider her disease a gift
C.wasn't as compassionate as before
D.liked judging other people
50.The underlined word"alter"in paragraph 4means"___."
A.change    B.improve     C.replace     D.reward.
47.D.推理判断题.根据第二段Because of my MS,my left hand can't work可知如果有人患MS,他们可能不能使用他的身体的某些部分;故选D.48.C.细节理解题.根据第二段Instead,I try something and I choo...