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  English which was only spoken by the people living in England in the ________ century began to be spoken by many other countries from the next century with the English colonists ________ to other countries around the world.As a result there are a lot of countries who speak English as their ________ language such as the U.S. Canada Australia etc.There are also other countries speaking English as a foreign or ________ language such as some south-Asian countries and African countries which was once ________ by Britain in history.

  Though there are different Englishes in the world the ________ speakers can have almost no difficulty in communicating with each other ________ they don’t use ________ kind of English.However sometimes they do have some trouble in understanding each other’s words spelling pronunciation and dialects.

  English is an all-the-time ________ language; for example the English of AD 450 to 1150 which was based more on ________ was quite ________ the English spoken from 1150 to 1500 which was based more on ________.Thanks to Shakespeare’s efforts English had a big change in ________.American English got its own ________ with the help of Noah Webster.

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