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我的一个参考文献中有一个文献需要参考 但是是英文的,小弟英文实在太差,
It was found that residual carbides in HS-21 alloy used in this study were entirely taken into solid solution during heating for 3.6 ksec at 1523 K.GBR occurred considerably during furnace cooling from the solution temperature.Fig.l a shows the microstructure of a sample which was furnace cooled to 1323 K and then water quenched.GBR nodules developed to about 7% in area fraction.Fig.ib shows the microstructure of a sample which was furnace cooled to 1223 K and
the amount of GBR was about 19%.The amount of GBR in a sample which was furnace cooled to 973 K,was about 28% (Fig.lc).It was almost equal to that of a sample which was furnace cooled to room temperature,as shown in Fig.ld.It should also be noted that the grain boundary was considerably serrated in samples with an amount of above about 7% GBR (in area fraction).
Fig.2 shows the change in the amount of GBR during furnace cooling after solution treatment for 3.6ksec at 1523 K.The GBR occurred below about 1373K during furnace cooling.The amount of it increased with the decrease of temperature in the range from 1373 to 1173 K,and then,it increased no
more below about 1173 K.
The microstructure of a sample which was furnace cooled to room temperature after solution heating for 3.6 ksec at 1523 K,was also observed by TEM.Dislocation density was very low (about 1.3 x 10 H m 2) and very few stacking faults were observed in this sample.Matrix precipitates could not be observed in the grain,while GBR nodules and coarse precipitates occurred at the grain boundary.The data obtained by X-ray analysis showed that these precipitates were allM23 C6 carbides.The matrix phase of the furnace cooling sample consisted of -Co (fcc) solid solution(about 70%) and e-Co (hcp) solid solution (about30%).Further,the matrix phase of the as water-quenched and the as air-cooled samples was identified to be/~-Co solid solution alone.
我的一个参考文献中有一个文献需要参考 但是是英文的,小弟英文实在太差,
It was found that residual carbides in HS-21 alloy used in this study were entirely taken into solid solution during heating for 3.6 ksec at 1523 K.GBR occurred considerably during furnace cooling from the solution temperature.Fig.l a shows the microstructure of a sample which was furnace cooled to 1323 K and then water quenched.GBR nodules developed to about 7% in area fraction.Fig.ib shows the microstructure of a sample which was furnace cooled to 1223 K and
the amount of GBR was about 19%.The amount of GBR in a sample which was furnace cooled to 973 K,was about 28% (Fig.lc).It was almost equal to that of a sample which was furnace cooled to room temperature,as shown in Fig.ld.It should also be noted that the grain boundary was considerably serrated in samples with an amount of above about 7% GBR (in area fraction).
Fig.2 shows the change in the amount of GBR during furnace cooling after solution treatment for 3.6ksec at 1523 K.The GBR occurred below about 1373K during furnace cooling.The amount of it increased with the decrease of temperature in the range from 1373 to 1173 K,and then,it increased no
more below about 1173 K.
The microstructure of a sample which was furnace cooled to room temperature after solution heating for 3.6 ksec at 1523 K,was also observed by TEM.Dislocation density was very low (about 1.3 x 10 H m 2) and very few stacking faults were observed in this sample.Matrix precipitates could not be observed in the grain,while GBR nodules and coarse precipitates occurred at the grain boundary.The data obtained by X-ray analysis showed that these precipitates were allM23 C6 carbides.The matrix phase of the furnace cooling sample consisted of -Co (fcc) solid solution(about 70%) and e-Co (hcp) solid solution (about30%).Further,the matrix phase of the as water-quenched and the as air-cooled samples was identified to be/~-Co solid solution alone.
结果发现,残留碳化物在HS - 21合金在这项研究中使用的是完全为3.6 ksec加热1523固溶发生很大采取从溶液温度在冷却炉.Fig.la显示了一个样本被炉冷却到微观,然后1323 K和水淬.大不列颠结节发展到约7%的面积比例.图.兴业显示了一个样本被炉冷却到微观K和1223
图.2显示在治疗后的冷却解决方案3.6ksec在1523 K的大不列颠炉中的大不列颠量的变化发生在低于大约1373K炉冷却.在它的数量随温度在1373至1173年K范围内减少,然后,它没有增加
一个样本被炉冷却后的解决方案为3.6 ksec加热到室温在1523 K表微观结构,还通过TEM观察.位错密度很低(约1.3 × 2米10小时)和极少数人在这层错样本观察.矩阵沉淀物不能被观察到的粮食,而大不列颠结节和粗颗粒的晶界发生.用X射线衍射分析得到的数据显示,这些沉淀物allM23 C6碳化物.该炉的冷却样品基体相/〜钴(fcc)的固溶体(约70%)和电子有限公司(hcp结构)固溶体(about30%).此外,作为水淬和作为风冷样本被鉴定为基体相/〜钴固溶孤单.
图.2显示在治疗后的冷却解决方案3.6ksec在1523 K的大不列颠炉中的大不列颠量的变化发生在低于大约1373K炉冷却.在它的数量随温度在1373至1173年K范围内减少,然后,它没有增加
一个样本被炉冷却后的解决方案为3.6 ksec加热到室温在1523 K表微观结构,还通过TEM观察.位错密度很低(约1.3 × 2米10小时)和极少数人在这层错样本观察.矩阵沉淀物不能被观察到的粮食,而大不列颠结节和粗颗粒的晶界发生.用X射线衍射分析得到的数据显示,这些沉淀物allM23 C6碳化物.该炉的冷却样品基体相/〜钴(fcc)的固溶体(约70%)和电子有限公司(hcp结构)固溶体(about30%).此外,作为水淬和作为风冷样本被鉴定为基体相/〜钴固溶孤单.
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