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Seasons come,seasons go.
Every year,nature is marvellous.
The sun always shining in spring,
with the gentle wind blow.
The heavy rain usually comes in summer,
with a colourful rainbow flush.
Autumn is a time of harvest,
decorated with riotous foliage.
And winter is the conclusion of the whole year,
witnessed by the fantastic snowfall.
I'd like to share my happiness with you,
just like the sunshine in spring.
I'd like to share my tears with you,
just like the heavy rain in summer.
I'd like to share the melodies with you,
just like the fruits in harvestmoon.
And I'd like to stay with you year after year,
just like the everlasting snowfall.
I'd like to share the melodies with you,
just like the chirr in the harvest field.
And I want to be with you forever
Just like the snow melted in the ground.
这样改你看怎么样?fruits in harvestmoon好像看不出有什么节奏.snowfall也不会是everlasting.仅供参考.
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