早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
( ) 1.I am a reader of Crazy English . Recently I have found that some students translate (翻译)
some articles for your magazine. So I want to do that too. Then what are your requirements? Thank
you. (Pierre)
( ) 2. I am an English teacher. I love your newspaper for English learners! It's of great help to my
students. (Zhang Li)
( ) 3. I'm one of Yao Ming's fans from Guangzhou. I have read the article about Yao in your magazine.
I want to know more about him. (Wei Hua)
( ) 4. First of all thank you very mu ch for providing (提供) us with a really good English magazine.
Secondly I want to give you a piece of advice. I think you'd better give us the meanings of the new
words in Chinese. (Li Ming)
( ) 5. I will be an editor of the English Monthly news-paper of ou r school. I have a question about
how to say the different positions (职位) of a newspaper. I hope you can tell me some in English. Thank
you so much! (Antonio)
some articles for your magazine. So I want to do that too. Then what are your requirements? Thank
you. (Pierre)
( ) 2. I am an English teacher. I love your newspaper for English learners! It's of great help to my
students. (Zhang Li)
( ) 3. I'm one of Yao Ming's fans from Guangzhou. I have read the article about Yao in your magazine.
I want to know more about him. (Wei Hua)
( ) 4. First of all thank you very mu ch for providing (提供) us with a really good English magazine.
Secondly I want to give you a piece of advice. I think you'd better give us the meanings of the new
words in Chinese. (Li Ming)
( ) 5. I will be an editor of the English Monthly news-paper of ou r school. I have a question about
how to say the different positions (职位) of a newspaper. I hope you can tell me some in English. Thank
you so much! (Antonio)
A. Thank you for your suggestion. I think the best way to improve your reading is to guess the meaning
of a word from the sentence where it is. Also if you have an English-Chinese dictionary it's good to look
up the new words and then write them down in your notebook.
B. The best way for you to learn the different positions of a newspaper or a magazine is to get a copy of
an all-English newspaper or magazine. And copy down the different positions such as chief editor
reporter and photo editor.
C. For more information about Yao Ming you can look at the sports section on the website www. sina.
com .
D. Yes we do have several students who help us translate some of the articles in our magazine. If you are
interested in being one of our translators you can send us some information about yourself.
E. We're glad our newspaper is helpful to your students. It's our hope that our newspaper can help
improve students' English studies.
of a word from the sentence where it is. Also if you have an English-Chinese dictionary it's good to look
up the new words and then write them down in your notebook.
B. The best way for you to learn the different positions of a newspaper or a magazine is to get a copy of
an all-English newspaper or magazine. And copy down the different positions such as chief editor
reporter and photo editor.
C. For more information about Yao Ming you can look at the sports section on the website www. sina.
com .
D. Yes we do have several students who help us translate some of the articles in our magazine. If you are
interested in being one of our translators you can send us some information about yourself.
E. We're glad our newspaper is helpful to your students. It's our hope that our newspaper can help
improve students' English studies.
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