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参考词汇:jaywalk vi.乱穿马路
Cherish Your Life,Say No to Jaywalking
行人闯红灯的危害 | 处罚措施 |
1.妨碍交通,影响车辆的正常行驶; 2.容易引发事故,危及他人和自身的安全; 3.… | 1.批评教育,让其意识到闯红灯的危害; 2.当场给予警告并罚款; 3.… |
参考词汇:jaywalk vi.乱穿马路
Cherish Your Life,Say No to Jaywalking
Recently,we have held a class meeting to discuss the problem of passers-by crossing the street while the traffic light is red.(点明讨论的主题)
As we can see,some passers-by don't obey traffic rules and jaywalk frequently.This blocks traffic seriously,affects drivers and causes accidents to happen,endangering the safety of passers-by and drivers.【高分句型一】In a word,jaywalking produces negative effects and does not help develop good social behavior.(行人闯红灯的危害)
It is really a pity to see all this in our society.To deal with the situation,the government has taken some effective measures.When caught jaywalking,the passers-by are criticized so that they will become aware of the dangers of doing so,or they are fined on the spot.【高分句型二】Sometimes the traffic police will report jaywalkers at their workplace and expose them to the public.However,it will take a long time to stop passers-by from jaywalking.We should start from ourselves right now.(处罚措施)
As we can see,some passers-by don't obey traffic rules and jaywalk frequently.This blocks traffic seriously,affects drivers and causes accidents to happen,endangering the safety of passers-by and drivers.【高分句型一】In a word,jaywalking produces negative effects and does not help develop good social behavior.(行人闯红灯的危害)
It is really a pity to see all this in our society.To deal with the situation,the government has taken some effective measures.When caught jaywalking,the passers-by are criticized so that they will become aware of the dangers of doing so,or they are fined on the spot.【高分句型二】Sometimes the traffic police will report jaywalkers at their workplace and expose them to the public.However,it will take a long time to stop passers-by from jaywalking.We should start from ourselves right now.(处罚措施)
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