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在西方一些国家,流行所谓的”gap year” 请你用英文就gap year 写一篇短文,内容:1 你是否支持gap year 这种做法,请说明理由 。2 如果你有gap year 的机会,你有什么安排和打算? 求学霸帮忙!
 Recently, I am reading a best seller named Gap Year, a Girl on the Road. The writer shares us a lot of unbelievable experiences in her “gap” which is so fantastic that I am certainly touched by it. The touch from it let me start thinking about my own gap year. I really long to visit Africa. Mysterious and attractive, the land is characterized by contradictory temperament: she has suffered large amounts of pain but is still full of primitive strength and haunting simplicity. I hope I can get the true meaning of my life there, ignoring my negligible pain and stepping out of negative emotions. As Kahlil Gibran, a famous poet, said, “We already walked too far, down to we had forgotten why embarked.” So why not just make a small pause in your life before you decide your next destination? Life is short, so I prefer spending time finding what I like to wasting time doing things I don’t enjoy.
  When I saw "Gap Year" at first sight, I wondered what the "Gap Year" is. After reading today&0#39;s topic, I know what it is, and I never have a "Gap Year" until now. It is so funny that you have a year to enjoy yourself. But why only a year? The importance of "Gap Year", I think, doesn&0#39;t lie in its form, but in its real meaning that to do what you want to do to enjoy your life no matter where and when you are. So I can do the "Gap Year" things at any time only if I want during my all life. I always say to myself if you want to do it, just go to do it, because you only have one life to spend on.

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