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Something interesting happened during the last Christmas shopping hour in London.man,who,though no fault of his own,found himself locked in a big store late on Christmas Eve.No doubt the store was crowded with people buying presents and the assistants were dead beat and wanted to go home.It seemed that all the necessary checks were made before the store was locked,and the assistants went home to enjoy the three-day holiday.
However that may be,the man was still in the store.When he realized that,he decided to make the best of it.In the store,of course,there was plenty of food,drink and bedding.There must have been radios and television sets,which no one could tell whether the man had ever used.When the store reopened,the man was discovered in bed with a large number of empty bottles beside him.He seemed to have been very happy.Everyone else was enjoying Christmas,so he saw no reason why he should not do the same.Happily enough,he let the police take him away.Perhaps he had a better Christmas than usual.It was reported that the man would have to stay in prison for seven days.It seemed,however,the judge was not going to do anything for the store,as he said that the store had become better known through the story in the newspapers and on television.
一些有趣的事情发生在去年圣诞节购物小 时在伦敦.人,尽管他自己没有任何罪过,发 现自己被锁在一个大商店晚在圣诞前夜.毫无疑问,商店挤满了人买礼物和助手们精 疲力尽和想回家.似乎所有必要的检查是 在商店是锁着的,...