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My deaming job is accountant.Since I was a child I have been looking forward to becoming an accountant working in an institution of a company.Why is becoming an accountant my dream?It is because my father is an excelent accountant.I have been very familar with what he is doing since I was a school pupil even I only leant about the true task and responsbility in my junior high school.Now my understanding about the accountant post has become more comprehensive since I entered university to do my first degree on accountant.It is clear for me that an accountant is as important as any other manager or chief engineers because only an accountant can really understand the financial situation of the company.An accountant is not only a person to keep the sales and purchase figures in the book,but also a good financial adviser for the company against any risk.An accountant is the right person to provide constructive views to the management in regard to any new plan.An accountant is always
the best person to manage the risk to its lowest level.A professional accountant is the best person to advise the director of the board to keep the company business run under legal frame.
In particular situation,a morally decent accountant can also be a whistle-blower against economical criminals to prevent his contry from loss.
In summary,an accountant is a high-minded job.I wish I could be a well qualified accountant after my graduation from university.

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