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In recent years, along with the rapid development of the capital market, many listed companies and large group company management gradually from the assets management into capital management mainly is given priority to, into the financial oriented enterprise management phase. In this kind of economic background, the enterprise financial management will become the core of the enterprise management. And the financial management in the most important is the about of the financial risk of management. Financial risk is to show the enterprise is in the financial activities, because all kinds of difficult to predict, control factors in the role of the actual financial returns and target financial benefit from occur, thus suffered economic losses. At present, the enterprise has become the main driving force of our country economy, enterprises in China's economic play an important role in promoting economic growth and expanding employment and playing an important role, its development to our country economy and social stability has a very important significance. But, our country some enterprise because of its size, its capital, and less ability to resist risk is weak, every year many enterprise due to poor management and collapse, a lot of enterprises are faced with the threat of financial risk, financial risk as its important part, has the high attention by operators, and become an important topic of the enterprise to be solved. In this paper the financial risks of enterprise as the research object, the summed up and interpretations of the normative research method, the prevention of the financial risks of enterprise.
Keywords: financial risk; Risk reasons; Risk countermeasure; Early warning mechanism

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