早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
英语 书面表达 100词
根据要求完成大作文.现在大多数学生是独生子女,有些学生只看重自己,很少关心父母.为此,你班将开展尊重父母的活动.请以“Learn to Respect Our Parents”为题写一篇文章,向同学们发起号召.
参考词汇:repect v.尊重 selfish adj.自私的 China's traditional values.中华传统美德
根据要求完成大作文.现在大多数学生是独生子女,有些学生只看重自己,很少关心父母.为此,你班将开展尊重父母的活动.请以“Learn to Respect Our Parents”为题写一篇文章,向同学们发起号召.
参考词汇:repect v.尊重 selfish adj.自私的 China's traditional values.中华传统美德
Learn to Respect Our Parents
Nowdays most of students are the only children in the family,they tend to be selfish.It's common to see that the only-child cares themslf more and ignore his or her parents.So we get together to call for every one of us to learn to respect our parents.
Firstly, you should remeber your parents' birthday; Secondly,you'd better try your best to help your parents do somthing ,for example:wash dishes,sweep the floor,do some washing and so on.Thirdly,be polite and grateful to your parents,learn to share the troubles of daily life.
We should always remeber that:Filial piety is the most important of all virtues.Filial to our parents is also one of the most important China's traditional values
Nowdays most of students are the only children in the family,they tend to be selfish.It's common to see that the only-child cares themslf more and ignore his or her parents.So we get together to call for every one of us to learn to respect our parents.
Firstly, you should remeber your parents' birthday; Secondly,you'd better try your best to help your parents do somthing ,for example:wash dishes,sweep the floor,do some washing and so on.Thirdly,be polite and grateful to your parents,learn to share the troubles of daily life.
We should always remeber that:Filial piety is the most important of all virtues.Filial to our parents is also one of the most important China's traditional values
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