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The first state-run university run by the Central Government of China was founded in 1898 named originally Imperial University (京师大学堂) . It was a product of the Reform Movement of 1898 (戊戌维新运动) which ushered in (推动) China’s modern higher education. Since then it has been closely tied to the fate of the country.

In February 1898 under the vigorous impetus of such patriots of the Reform Movement as Kang You-wei Liang Qichao Emperor Guang Xu ordered the preparations to found a university. The “Ming Ding Guo Shi Edict” decreed by Guang Xu in June of the same year said: “The Imperial University was a proposal advanced by the various provinces. First priority should be given to its founding ” and “with expectation that people of talent would come forth in large numbers and pill together in times of trouble.” Later the Emperor instructed his minister of the Board of Civil Office Sun Jiading as the minister in charge of university affairs. Subsequent to its founding the Imperial University inherited some of the duties of the Imperial College (国子监) the highest educational institution in feudal (封建的) China and it exercised control over the universities of the various provinces of the country. It therefore was not only the highest seat of learning but the highest executive organ of education in the whole country as well.

After the failure of the Reform Movement almost all measures of the new policies were abolished with the exception of the Imperial University “Which owing to its early germination was not abolished.” Later although the diehards of Qing Dynasty had tried their utmost to make it into a feudal academy for the study of scriptures the tradition of the University seeking progress and reform carried on. In 1912 the second year after the 1911 Revolution the Imperial University changed its name to Peking University and then the well-known bourgeois reformist (资产阶级改良派) enlightenment thinker and translator (启蒙思想家和翻译家) Yan Fu was appointed as the first president of Peking University.

Over the past hundred years this group of China’s contemporary (现代的) universities with Peking University as its representative has played a pioneering role in China’s historical course towards modernization forming a glorious revolutionary as well as an exemplary academic tradition.

1. The first state-run university was set during the era of emperor_______.

A. Kang Xi         B. Qian Long

C. Guang Xu        D. Dao Guang

2. Which is not true about the Imperial University?

A. It was founded in 1898.

B. It was a product of the Reform Movement of 1898.

C. It ushered in China’s modern higher Education.]

D. Imperial University is in no relation to the Imperial College.

3. The Peking University was first called by Chinese people in______.

A. 1911        B. 1912

C. 1913         D. 1898

4. The title for the passage is_______.

A. The Imperial University

B. The History of Peking University

C. The Reform Movement of 1898

D. The 1911 Reform


答案:C;D;B;C解析: 1 、题目问的是第一所国立大学是在哪个皇帝在位时建立的,应该是光绪皇帝,所以答案是 C 。 2 、选项 A 说京师大学堂建立在 1898 年,正确;选项 B 说它...

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