早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
What do I want to do when I’m older?Someone wants to be a doctor.Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport.Someone wants to be a writer and to make the writing.Someone wants to be a teacher .because they like teaching children.
I like playing the piano and I good at it.So I want to become a piano player.Play the piano is very interesting.And you can learn something of music.Piano can make you like music.A lot of musician and singer are love playing piano.
I play the piano when I’m ten years old.Now I’m in grand five.I hope when I’m sixteen years old ,I can become grand eight.I’ll be harder and harder to practise.
Become a piano play is a hard job.But I believe I can do it.
I like playing the piano and I good at it.So I want to become a piano player.Play the piano is very interesting.And you can learn something of music.Piano can make you like music.A lot of musician and singer are love playing piano.
I play the piano when I’m ten years old.Now I’m in grand five.I hope when I’m sixteen years old ,I can become grand eight.I’ll be harder and harder to practise.
Become a piano play is a hard job.But I believe I can do it.
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