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The storage industry is an old industry,with the continuous economic development,Storage has become a major force for socio-economic development,China has a long history of warehousing.particularly after the establishment of the People's Republic has been a great deal of development,at present,China's large-scale warehousing has been made.Storage Warehouse from the traditional material developed as a logistics node.The key link exists as a logistics and played a role in the overall coordination,as well as product manufacturing sectors in the city.Logistics warehouse to the formation of various social conditions provide a favorable environment for the development of enterprises.great extent reduce the operating costs of modern logistics warehousing recognized by the major companies.Many enterprises are willing to contract for logistics warehouse storage business,on the one hand,to save costs,To enable enterprises to simplify operation of the other.So,how standardized storage operation to avoid storage error,which has attracted business attention.This article 93 of City Supermarket Warehouse Management analysis of the actual situation.The main reason to probe the causes of errors and the corresponding storage logistics and warehousing industry in the future development of countermeasures.

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