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摘 要
The competition in the 21st century is talent competition.Citizens in a growing awareness to pay tax,income tax will be today more and more talents in employment comparing basis.Finally the burden of individual income tax for a while,personal income tax planning for the company does not directly bring benefit to individuals,but can let company income tax planning in be in a better position to compete with other companies in the same pay cost,can retain better talent,get more returns.
Finally the burden of individual income tax for a while,personal income tax planning for the company does not directly bring benefit to individuals,but can let company income tax planning in be in a better position to compete with other companies in the same pay cost,can retain better talent,get more returns.So,individual income tax planning becomes very important.
With China's social and economic development,the personal income sources and form becoming more diverse,more and more people become the taxpayer of individual income tax.Correspondingly,fiscal revenue from individual income tax and the proportion of the show ascendant trend from maintenance vital interests,reduce the tax burden,the Angle of individual income tax by more and more attention of the taxpayer.So how to make the taxpayer in do not break the law,under the premise of tax relief as far as possible,maximum profit became an important research content of individual income tax is becoming more and more important.
Key words:personal income tax,Tax planning,Tax analysis.

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