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4.4.2 Residence Times within Individual Ocean basins
Due to the very uneven geographic distribution of the wet deposition of dissolved Fe,and the very uneven distribution of export production and its ensuing mobilisation from surface sediments,there is not much validity in a global residence time concept for an element such as Fe.Moreover,the net river input,albeit modest compared with the other sources,is also very unevenly distributed with major inputs into the central Atlantic Ocean.
thus,a more valid approach would be to construct mass balances for each ocean basin.for example ,the north and equatorial Atlantic Ocean from~10 S to 50 N receives one third or 3-8x109moly-1 dissoved Fe from aeolian input.adding to this one half of the global river input of Fe,or 1.3x109 moly-1,the combined inputs add up to 4.3-9.3x109 moll-1.the upper 100m depth has a volume of 3x1015m3,and with a mean Fe concentration of 0.2nmoll-1,a dissolved Fe inventory of 0.6x109mol.the surface water residence time then calculates as 0.07-0.15years or only 1-2 months.this would be even shorter when Fe from sedimentary sources is included.simply exporting all this Fe towards the seafloor,and again assuming some 50% mobilisation from deep sea sediments,the estimated input of dissolved Fe into deep waters becomes 2.0-4.5x109 moly-1.Given the total volume of this basin,and an assumed deep water concentration of 1nmoll-1,the Fe inventory is 100x109mol and the estimated residence time is 22-50years.
4.4.2 Residence Times within Individual Ocean basins
Due to the very uneven geographic distribution of the wet deposition of
dissolved Fe,and the very uneven distribution of export production and its ensuing mobilisation from surface sediments,there is not much validity in a global residence time concept for an element such as Fe.
并且,净河输入(啥玩意),尽管这玩意与其他资源相比已经十分均衡,但是由于主要向大西洋中心输入,本身依然存在分配不均的问题.Moreover,the net river input,albeit modest compared with the other sources,is also very unevenly distributed with major inputs into the central Atlantic Ocean.
thus,a more valid approach would be to construct mass balances for each ocean basin.
我觉得下面这部分你还是自己看吧,英语部分要是看不懂你可以继续复习高中英语了= =
for example ,the north and equatorial Atlantic Ocean from~10 S to 50 N receives one third or 3-8x109moly-1 dissoved Fe from aeolian input.adding to this one half of the global river input of Fe,or 1.3x109 moly-1,the combined inputs add up to 4.3-9.3x109 moll-1.the upper 100m depth has a volume of 3x1015m3,and with a mean Fe concentration of 0.2nmoll-1,a dissolved Fe inventory of 0.6x109mol.the surface water residence time then calculates as 0.07-0.15years or only 1-2 months.this would be even shorter when Fe from sedimentary sources is included.simply exporting all this Fe towards the seafloor,and again assuming some 50% mobilisation from deep sea sediments,the estimated input of dissolved Fe into deep waters becomes 2.0-4.5x109 moly-1.Given the total volume of this basin,and an assumed deep water concentration of 1nmoll-1,the Fe inventory is 100x109mol and the estimated residence time is 22-50years.

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