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这是我刚写得托福作文 能力很差 错误很多 大概能得多少分?
同不同意 提高一个国家得教育质量最好的方法是提高老师的薪水?
In present-day ,education plays an increasing significant role in the ability of nation.Promoting the efficiency of the education is been more mindful by government .Yet at the same time ,people are divided over whether to increase teacher’s salaries in order to improve the quality of education in a country.Some people,as a result,support that the best way to improve the quality of education is increase lecture’s regard.Theoretically,that may be true.But in reality,this is not best choice .
The primary factor we need to take into consideration is that it is crucial ingredient is improve the teacher ‘s ability ,because students are more easy influence from their teacher in the school .There are many celebrities who have a good teacher in their childhood .History is filled with the example of Abraham Lincoln ,he had a high degree teacher when he was a child .Moreover the more teacher’s teaching style ,the more students have stimulated rather than feel boring and escape form their class .
Additionally,from a social perspective ,the government be support to vest more money in education facilities ,such as libraries and science museums .To expend the student’s outlook and acquire knowledge .Instead of explore space ,which not practical .
I would acknowledge that may be to increase teacher’s salaries ,the education quality will improve; however,when human beings concerned on money ,is not necessary that they give some consideration to those people will go astray Go from bad to worse ,if give teacher more money ,their desire will increase and distract their from teaching.
Having considered all the arguments above .in my opinion,both from society and personal perspectives,this is not best way to increase teacher’s salaries to improve the quality education in a country.

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