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托福独立写作对于句子的要求,2014托福答案是要高于我们在国内英语课堂上所熟悉的英语写作习惯的.一般来说,中国的学生更习惯大量的运用简单句,而托福的写作要求中明确规定了syntactic variety,即句式的多样化.因此,如果不能熟练的运用各种不同的句式,而依然是采用大量的简单句的罗列,学生是不容易拿到高分的.
有需要托福考 试帮助的烤鸭可以找Q下(5395,6896)
考生要高效地扫除综合写作中阅读部分的生词障碍,可以从以下两方面着手.第一,考生可以先从总结和背诵托福综合写作真题(包括TPO)阅读文章中出现的生词开始,特别是真题中反复出现的单词考生尤其要重视.据笔者观察,写作真题中出现的核心,词汇会反复考查.第二,对于真题中出现的生词或是词组,考生可以按词义对它们进行归类,提高背诵效率.例如,在2010年2月7日综合写作阅读文章中出现的“dangerous”“detrimental”“adverse”、在 2010年2月21日综合写作阅读文章中出现的“negative”、在2010年5月8日综合写作阅读文章中出现的“drawback”,这几个单词有一个共同特征,即都表示事物不好的一面,因此考生可以把它们归为一类来记忆.
独立写作的命题形式一般为“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement …”(你是否同意下面的论断……),要求考生对题目给出的论断表明自己的观点,然后写出具体的理由和细节来支持自己的观点,写作的字数是300词以上,考试时间为30分钟.题目给出的论断主要涉及以下十大类的话题.
①成功类话题:In order to achieve success, we must be more like others than be different from others.
②工作类话题:People should take a secure job immediately when finding one instead of waiting for the job that they find more satisfying.
③金钱类话题:Most businesspeople are motivated by the desire for money.
④科技类话题:Telephone has had greater effects on people’s lives than TV.
⑤教育类话题:To improve the quality of education, universities should spend more money on professors’ salaries.
⑥朋友类话题:Getting advice from friends who are older than you is better than getting advice from friends who are of the same age as yours.
⑦环境类话题:Most of the environmental issues are too complicated today. Individuals cannot do anything about them.
⑧政府类话题:The most important thing that the government can do in improving health care is to clean the environment.
⑨媒体类话题:Advertising is a waste of time and money because customers already know what they want.
⑩动物类话题:More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.
考生要高效地扫除综合写作中阅读部分的生词障碍,可以从以下两方面着手.第一,考生可以先从总结和背诵托福综合写作真题(包括TPO)阅读文章中出现的生词开始,特别是真题中反复出现的单词考生尤其要重视.据笔者观察,写作真题中出现的核心,词汇会反复考查.第二,对于真题中出现的生词或是词组,考生可以按词义对它们进行归类,提高背诵效率.例如,在2010年2月7日综合写作阅读文章中出现的“dangerous”“detrimental”“adverse”、在 2010年2月21日综合写作阅读文章中出现的“negative”、在2010年5月8日综合写作阅读文章中出现的“drawback”,这几个单词有一个共同特征,即都表示事物不好的一面,因此考生可以把它们归为一类来记忆.
独立写作的命题形式一般为“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement …”(你是否同意下面的论断……),要求考生对题目给出的论断表明自己的观点,然后写出具体的理由和细节来支持自己的观点,写作的字数是300词以上,考试时间为30分钟.题目给出的论断主要涉及以下十大类的话题.
①成功类话题:In order to achieve success, we must be more like others than be different from others.
②工作类话题:People should take a secure job immediately when finding one instead of waiting for the job that they find more satisfying.
③金钱类话题:Most businesspeople are motivated by the desire for money.
④科技类话题:Telephone has had greater effects on people’s lives than TV.
⑤教育类话题:To improve the quality of education, universities should spend more money on professors’ salaries.
⑥朋友类话题:Getting advice from friends who are older than you is better than getting advice from friends who are of the same age as yours.
⑦环境类话题:Most of the environmental issues are too complicated today. Individuals cannot do anything about them.
⑧政府类话题:The most important thing that the government can do in improving health care is to clean the environment.
⑨媒体类话题:Advertising is a waste of time and money because customers already know what they want.
⑩动物类话题:More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.
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