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Jolin is one of my favorite stars.About years ago,I knew her from TV.She looked pretty,long hair,big eyes and nice voice.From then on,I had paid much attention on her.However,good time didn't last long.During a period of time,there were few pieces of news of her.After the rain,comes the rainbow.Then she appeared with her EP.She beame more beautiful.Slim,confidence,mature are what I saw on her.
Wish her a bright future!
Jay Chou was born in Taiwan on January 18,1979.At the tender age of three,he started to learn piano under constant supervision from his mom,Jay practiced piano diligently and eventually developed a love for the instrument and music.He went on to master a number of other instruments,including guitar,cello,jazz drum as well as the Chinese Dizi.
Jay's parents divorced when he was 13.Already a quiet boy to begin with,Jay grew even more secluded.He became independent rather quickly and was absorbed in his own music world.Whenever any musical ideas came to mind,he would jot them down.It wasn't before long he started writing his own songs.
Basketball was his other love and he often played with friends.In terms of school,Jay was not very strong academically,but he did manage to complete high school.
回答者:aqzjz123 - 秀才 三级 3-18 11:20
刘翔:Name :Liu xiang Sex :Male Date of birth :July 13,1983 Place of birth :Shanghai,height :189 cm Weight :74 kg :the educational background :University students love :singing personal computer units registered in Shanghai :sports :track and field coaches now :The Joint Application Project :Olympic men's 110-meter hurdle record :2004 10th Indoor World Championship 110-meter hurdle runner-up,13 seconds 17
回答者:myloveyq - 助理 二级 3-18 11:23
Jay Chou was born in Taiwan on January 18,1979.At the tender age of three,he started to learn piano under constant supervision from his mom,Jay practiced piano diligently and eventually developed a love for the instrument and music.He went on to master a number of other instruments,including guitar,cello,jazz drum as well as the Chinese Dizi.
Jay's parents divorced when he was 13.Already a quiet boy to begin with,Jay grew even more secluded.He became independent rather quickly and was absorbed in his own music world.Whenever any musical ideas came to mind,he would jot them down.It wasn't before long he started writing his own songs.
Basketball was his other love and he often played with friends.In terms of school,Jay was not very strong academically,but he did manage to complete high school.
回答者:小乔2 - 试用期 一级 3-28 10:10
Angela Zhang is my favourite singer.She is a beautiful girl.She is a famous singer.She born in Taiwan.There are five family member:her mother,her father,her sister her sister and she.She want to go to Japan.She like to play volleyball.She also like to cook,listen to music and so on.l love Angela Zhang.
回答者:注意动 - 见习魔法师 二级 4-1 11:35

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