早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



       The story happens on an island ( )called Berk. Hiccup a Viking ( 维京人 ) teenager lives with his tribe ( 部落 ) on the island. The Vikings are strong and good sailors (水手) . They often go on adventures ( 探险 ). Fighting dragons is one of their traditions. Hiccup’s father Stoick the Vast is the leader of the island. He hopes his son will become as strong as him and be the leader one day.

But it does not seem to go well for him. Hiccup is nothing like his father. He is weak. People say he is not suitable to be the future leader. But Hiccup is smart and has a great sense of humor.

Now Hiccup and other Viking teens are in Dragon Training. Hiccup will have to show others that he has what it takes to be a fighter.

One day Hiccup hits a dragon with a stone cannon ( 石炮 ). He finds the hurt dragon named Toothless. Hiccup sets Toothless free and the two became friends.

But his new friendship goes against the village’s tradition. He has to stop others from killing the dragon!

Will Hiccup be able to save his friend? What difficulties will he have to face? Go to see How to Train Your Dragon a Hollywood 3D cartoon film. You’ll find the answer. The film comes out on March 26.

(   )53. Hiccup a Viking teenager is           .

      A. the leader of the island       B. as strong as his father

      C. not so strong as his father   D. good at killing dragons

(   )54. Fighting dragons is           .

      A. a 3D cartoon film         B. one of the Viking’s traditions

      C. a subject at school            D. the name of funny story

(   )55. Where can we probably find the passage?

      A. in a film magazine.            B. in a science book.

      C. in a story book.               D. in a travel guide book.



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